Permission Changes for Commands and Functions

Adaptive Server 15.7 SP100 includes permission changes for commands and functions.

Changes to asehostname Permissions

In versions of Adaptive Server earlier than Adaptive Server 15.7 SP100, only users with the sa_role could execute asehostname. For Adaptive Server 15.7 SP100 and later, asehostname has these permission requirements:

With granular permissions enabled, to query the hostname on which the dataserver is running, you must have manage server privileges, or been granted select permission on asehostname.

With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role or have select permission on asehostname in order to query the hostname on which the dataserver is running.

Changes to dbcc Commands Permissions

  • dbcc pravailabletempdbs - With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with manage server privilege to execute pravailabletempdbs. With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role.
  • dbcc serverlimits - With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with manage server privilege to execute serverlimits. With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role.
  • dbcc cis showcaps - With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with manage server privilege to execute cis showcaps. With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role.
  • dbcc cis remcon - With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with manage server privilege to execute cis remcon. With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role.

Changes to sp_optgoal Permissions

A new server level privilege, manage opt goal has been created to enable users with sa_role and sa_serverprivs_role to write or delete goals using sp_optgoal.

With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with manage opt goal privilege in order to write or delete a goal. By default, sa_role and sa_serverprivs_role are granted the manage opt goal privilege.

With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role in order to write or delete a goal.

Any user can run sp_optgoal 'show'.

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