
The monRepSchemaCache table reports the schema cache information for each scanner running on a Replication Server.


The columns for monRepSchemaCache are:

Description Datatype Description
DBID int Unique identifier for the database running the Replication Agent.
ScannerSpid int Session process identifier of the scanner task.
InstanceID tinyint (Cluster environments only) ID of an instance in a shared-disk cluster.
ConfiguredSize int Size of the schema cache, in bytes, as configured using max schema cache per scanner.
CurrentUsageSize int Current size, in bytes, of the schema cache for this scanner.
MaxReachedSize int Maximum size, in bytes, reached for the schema cache.
ObjectSchemas int Number of schemas in cache for tables/stored procedures.
TextImageDescriptors int Number of descriptors for text/image column replication.
WideParameters int Number of descriptors for the wide parameter for stored procedure replication.
ObjectSchemasFlushed int Number of table/stored procedure schemas that have been flushed.
TexImageDescriptorsFlushed int Number of descriptors for text/image column replication that have been flushed.
WideParametersFlushed int Number of descriptors for the wide parameter for stored procedure replication that have been flushed.
CacheTooSmallFlushes int Number of objects flushed because the schema cache could not hold all schemas involved. This might be an indication that you need to increase the schema cache size.
TotalAllocTime int Total amount of time spent allocating objects. This counter is updated only when Adaptive Server monitoring is enabled.
TotalDeallocTime int Total amount of time spent de-allocating objects. This counter is updated only when Adaptive Server monitoring is enabled.
DBName varchar(30) Name of the database in which the task scans.