Options for load transaction

During a load sequence of a database dump and one or more transaction log dumps, Adaptive Server verifies that the transaction log dump is loaded in sequence based on a sequence number stored in the dump header.

If you do not use the most recent dump as a metadata file for a transaction log dump generated by sybdumptran, the sequence number will be incorrect, causing the load of this transaction log dump to fail. The load transaction option with override=sequence ignores this error and allows the load of an out-of-sequence transaction log dump.

If the sequence number sybdumptran created for the dump does not match the new sequence number of the previous dump, restore the database using the load tran command with the with override=sequence option. You cannot use this option when loading transaction dumps created by Adaptive Server, but only when loading transaction logs created with sybdumptran.


In this example, when you omit the -m metadata file option and specify the dump history file, sybdumptran locates the metadata file in the dump history file:

> sybdumptran -o /dumps/db.trn_sdt -h /dumps/dump_hist -d db  
Opening output-file '/dumps/db.trn_sdt'.  
Opening dump-history-file '/dumps/dump_hist'.  
Option 'metadata-file' is not supplied, using last dump '/dumps/db.trn1' from dump history file.  
Opening metadata-file '/dumps/db.trn1'.
Opening log devices used by database:
    Opening device "db_log1", path "/sdc1_eng/devices/db.log1".
    Opening device "db_log2", path "/sdc1_eng/devices/db.log2".
Building run-lists using first log page=10894.
Finished building run-lists, number of log pages=1, first log page=10894, last log page=10894.
Dumping log pages to output file "/dumps/db.trn_sdt". 
Finished dumping 1 log pages.
Sybdumptran completed without errors.