To initialize all components, click the Start icon on the toolbar.
Click Step to step through the project from component to component.
At any point during the simulation, you can preview the current set of data, by right-clicking the link and selecting Preview. For example, when the first step executes, the data records are forwarded from the source component to the data calculator. A number on the link indicates the number of records transferred.
The Preview option is not available when there
are no processed records or when no simulation data is available.
When all data has been processed, select one of these:
Execute post-processing as for successful execution – to commit all tasks performed by the transactional components and to reset the project to its initial state.
Execute post-processing as for failed execution – to roll back all tasks performed by the transactional components and to reset the project to its initial state
Click Yes to confirm resetting of the interactive trace. This clears all port buffers, releases temporary tables, and closes all database connections and temporary files.
If you click No, all open database connections and port buffers are retained. You can inspect, reconfigure, and then step through individual components again.