Drag the DB Data Sink Insert component onto the Design window.
In the Database Configuration window, add the connection parameters for the target database.
See the “DB Data Sink Insert properties list” for specific field requirements.
Select or enter the Destination table.
You can write to an existing table or add a table based on existing ports in the project. See “Adding a Destination table” for additional information. To add a table based on an existing port structure, skip this step.
Click Finish.
Specify any other optional properties in the Properties window.
Updating port structure with database changes
Loading data at IN-port to a database or a text
Right-click the DB Data Sink Insert component and select Flush Buffer.
The Flush Buffer option writes out the buffered rows to the target. All components for which a write block size has been specified can buffer data until the write block size is reached. At any time during simulation, if there is data in the buffer, the Flush Buffer option appears, along with the number of rows that are yet to be written to the target. If the buffer is empty, the option is not available.