XML via SQL Data Provider properties list

XML via SQL Data Provider Properties List sets processing options for the XML source file.

Required properties



XML Source

Identify the data source.

You can select the XML data source when you add a component to a project, or select the file from the Properties window. To select a data source from the Properties window, click XML Source, then select the file.

Data Output

Open the XML port manager, a management console where you can query XML source.

See “Working with XML Port Manager”.

Optional properties



Document Schema

Identify an external schema (.xsd) or DTD that you can use to validate the XML source.

Namespace Schema

Point to the location of an external namespace schema. An XML schema consists of components such as type definitions and element declarations that can be used to assess the validity of well-formed element and attribute information items.

Validate Schema

Enable schema and DTD validation.

XML Options

Set these XML processing options:

  • Full schema check – set this item to 1 to check for items that may be time consuming or memory intensive. Particle unique attribution constraint checking and particle derivation restriction checking are controlled by this option. The default value is 0.

  • Ignore external DTD – set this value to 1 to ignore an external DTD referenced within the document. The default value is 0.

  • Process namespace – set this value to 0 if you do not want namespace specification to be considered during parsing. The default value is 1.

  • Preserve Element whitespace – set this value to 1 to preserve white space in the XML element value. Set to 0 to trim white space from the XML element values. If the XML element value includes only white space and the value is set to 0, it is interpreted as an empty element value.

DB Schema

Select the database schema setup (create tables) script. Use this option to enforce a fixed data model.

DB Schema Options

Customize the settings for tables and attributes generated from the XML structure, including the prefixes for table and attribute names. The DB Schema options are:

  • Attribute name case – formats the attribute names generated from the XML. The values “upper” and “lower” convert attributes names accordingly. “Mixed” (the default) leaves the names as they appear in the XML document.

  • Attribute name prefix – prefix to be used for every generated attribute name.

  • Create indexes – set to1 (the default) to automatically generate indexes on the primary keys of the tables.

  • Create flat views – set to1 (the default) to automatically generate a view called V_XML_CONTENT. This view joins all tables and returns all XML data in a broad table.

    If the database schema results in more than 32 tables, this view does not work and the option has to be switched off.

  • Foreign key prefix – prefix to be used for attributes that are foreign keys.

  • Ignore Empty Leaf Element Values – set this value to 1 if you do not want the database to include column entries for specific XML leaf elements that contain no data. If set to 0, the database created from the XML document includes column entries for all XML leaf elements whether empty or not.

  • Primary key name – attribute name to be used for primary keys.

  • Table name case– formats the table names generated from the xml. The values “upper” and “lower” convert the table names accordingly. “Mixed” leaves the names as they appear in the XML document.

  • Table name prefix – prefix to be used for generated table names

Database Options

Set options that override performance defaults and control the behavior of some transactions.

See “Database connection settings”.

Read Block Size

Determine the number of records retrieved by the component in a single step. If the component has more than one OUT-port, the read block size is ignored and the component provides data at all ports, in a single step.