Viewing current mappings

The Mapping Definition window shows the current mapping between attributes of adjacent input structures and output structures.

  1. Right-click the connecting link, and select Mapping.

  2. In the Mapping Definition window, select:

    • Display structure to view all attributes of the connected port and their current mappings.

    • Display structure and values to view the fields as well as the values of the current record. This view shows the current content of the port connecting to the link. If the port contains no data, only the port structure is shown in this window. You can populate data in a port by stepping through your project until you reach the port.

Applying automatic mappings

To create mappings, select one of these predefined mapping sequences from the Mapping menu:

Applying manual mappings

To manually create a single mapping, select a connection point and drag it to the connection point of a port attribute.

To change a current mapping, select the mapping line at the connection point and drag it to an unmapped port attribute.

To delete a single mapping, right-click the mapping, and select Delete.

To delete all mappings of a link, select Remove All from the Mapping menu.

Viewing mapped attributes

By default, the Mapping Definition window displays all the port attributes of the IN structures and OUT- structures. To view only the mapped attributes, click the “Display only mapped attributes” icon on the toolbar.

Enabling synchronized attribute scrolling

To enable synchronized scrolling between the attributes of the IN- structures and OUT- structures, click the “Synchronize attribute scrolling” icon on the toolbar.