Sybase ETL Server can perform execution of projects and jobs on all supported platforms, using the command line parameters listed in Table 6-1. To execute projects and jobs, use this syntax:
GridNode –-project PROJ-1234-5678 -–dbinterface dbodbc --dbhost etl_comp –-client transformer–-user TRANSFORMER –-password 1234ABCD
where project ID is “PROJ-1234-5678,” the database interface is “dbodbc,” host name is “etl_comp,” client is “transformer,” user is “TRANSFORMER,” and the encrypted version of the password is “1234ABCD”.
You can also use these command line parameters to execute projects and jobs:
project – to specify projects and parameter sets by name. You can also specify jobs by name. Specifying names is easier than entering a complex project, job, or parameter set ID. This example uses the project name “LoadCustomers” and the parameter set name “myparams”:
GridNode –-project LoadCustomers -–dbinterface dbodbc --dbhost etl_com –-client transformer –-user TRANSFORMER --paramset myparams –-password 1234ABCD
encrypt – to generate an encrypted password. You must use encrypted passwords with dbpassword and password. To encrypt “mypassword”, enter:
Gridnode --encrypt mypassword
ETL Server generates and displays the encrypted password.
ping – to verify whether ETL Server is running on a particular host and port. To verify whether ETL Server is running on the default port on “localhost,” enter:
Gridnode --ping localhost
If ETL Server is running, you see this message:
localhost is alive!
You see an error message if ETL Server is not running on the host and port you specify.
env – to specify environment variables for projects and jobs. You can access the values for these variables at runtime with the uGetEnv function. This example uses the “LoadCustomers” project with the environment variables INPUT_FILE and OUTPUT_FILE:
GridNode –-project LoadCustomers -–dbinterface dbodbc –-dbhost etl_com –-client transformer –-user TRANSFORMER --paramset myparams –-password 1234ABCD --env “INPUT_FILE=input.txt; OUTPUT_FILE=output.txt”
When you enter a command, type in the commands, parameters,
and values in a continuous line. The examples in this section use
multiple lines only for clarity.
In Sybase ETL versions earlier than 4.5, job and project execution was performed by the ProcessQ application, which was distributed with ETL Server and used internally only by Windows. ProcessQ is now deprecated.