Lookup components

A lookup operation looks up a value that corresponds to a key in a lookup table that contains a list of key and value pairs. A static lookup table can be cached during the execution of a project, or a lookup can be performed uncached and dynamically.



DB Lookup

Looks up values in a database. The lookup data is specified by the result set of a query that returns exactly two columns: the lookup key and the lookup value.

You can assign the value returned (lookup value) by the lookup to any attribute of the current record. The lookup table is cached during project execution. Changes applied to the underlying database during project execution have no effect on the lookup result.

DB Lookup Dynamic

Performs a dynamic lookup by referencing the key value in the query WHERE clause. DB Lookup Dynamic does not cache lookup information, and performs one SQL lookup for each record that passes the component.

During project execution, the lookup table data may be modified by concurrent database users (or even within the same project). In this case, a database lookup that is not dynamic may search for invalid data. Use DB Lookup Dynamic to ensure you locate the current value.