Destination components

Destination components (also called data sinks) write data to specific targets. This component type has one IN-port and no OUT-port.



DB Bulk Load Sybase IQ

DB Bulk Load Sybase IQ performs bulk operation on a Sybase IQ table.

Use this component to manipulate records of a table in a Sybase IQ database based on the records from the IN-port of the component.

DB Data Sink Delete

Removes records from the destination table that match the incoming values of a selected key.

DB Data Sink Insert

Adds records from the IN-port of the component to a database table. You can exclude attributes or assign default values to determine the records you insert into the table.

DB Data Sink Update

Updates or overwrites all records that match a selected key. This component does not insert new records.

Text Data Sink

Writes transformation results to a text file in a delimited or fixed-length format.