Chapter 2: Getting Started

Starting Sybase ETL

  1. In Windows, select Start | Programs | Sybase | Sybase ETL Development 4.9 | Sybase ETL Development.

    The login window displays:

    • Connection – Repository

    • Client – transformer

    • Client user name – TRANSFORMER

    • Password – transformer

    These values are automatically set the first time you log in. On subsequent logins, you might need to select or enter this information.

    Click Logon

  2. In the Navigator, click Repository | TRANSFORMER.transformer.Repository | Projects to open the list of available projects.

    NoteThe project list displays the demonstration projects packaged with the product. Every demonstration project contains an example of how to use a component or implement a scenario.

  3. Double-click an existing project name to open it, or to create a new project, right-click Projects and select New.