Text Data Sink properties list

The following tables list the required and optional properties of the Text Data Sink component.

Required properties



Text Destination

Specify the output file. Text Data Sink prompts you for the destination file when you add a component to a project. To specify a destination file, click the Destination File icon in the Properties window, and select an existing file, or type the full path and file name to create one during project execution.


Define columns for data in the source file. If there is a property value defined, the Columns value reflects the port structure or attribute values you defined on the Component window.

Optional properties



Row Delimiter

Specify how each row is delimited:

  • Position (fixed-line position)

  • LF (line feed)

  • CR (carriage return)

  • CRLF (carriage return followed by a line feed)

Alternatively, you can enter a different delimiter.

Row Length

If you have selected Position as the Row Delimiter, specify the number of characters in each fixed row.

Column Delimiter

Specify how columns are delimited:

  • Position (fixed-column positions)

  • Tab

  • Comma

  • Semicolon

Alternatively, you can enter a different delimiter.

Column Quote

Specify how you want the values in the output file to be quoted (delimited files only):

  • None

  • Single quote

  • Double quote

Alternatively, enter a different quote character or string

Fixed by Bytes

Specify how to interpret the values provided for line length, column start, and column end:

  • Not selected (default value) – values are interpreted as number of characters.

  • Selected – values are interpreted as number of bytes.

For example, suppose your source file includes binary: 0x61 62 63 d6 d0 ce c4 61 62 63 64 65 and has these characteristics:

  • File Type – fixed (variable line)

  • Encoding – GB2312

  • Row delimiter – '\n'

  • Column definition – column1: 1 – 7; column 2: 9 –10

If you select Fixed by Bytes:

  • Column 1 displays the first 7 bytes, the binary of which are 0x61 62 63 d6 d0 ce c4.

  • Column 2 displays the 9th and 10th bytes, the binary of which are 0x62 63.

If you do not select Fixed by Bytes:

  • Column 1 displays the first 7 characters, the binary of which are 0x61 62 63 d6d0 cec4 61 62.

  • Column 2 displays the next 2 characters, the binary of which are 0x64 65.

Note0xd6d0, c4c4 represents 2 Chinese characters in GB2312.


Set the current character encoding.

Append Column Delimiter

Select if you want the column delimiter to be appended to the end of a row. Selecting this option enhances the performance while loading output files into IQ.

Column Header

Write the column names to the file.


Create a report header to write to the file. Text Data Sink writes the header before it writes the incoming data.

Enter the header text; you can use Square Bracket Notation, if you want.

Append Data

Append incoming data to the destination file. If you do not set this value, Text Data Sink overwrites any existing data in the destination file.

Write Block Size

Specify the number of records that Sybase ETL writes to the file in a single write operation.


All work performed by the Text Data Sink component, including pre-SQL and post-SQL, is done in a single database transaction that is committed when the project finishes normally. Select this option to roll back the transaction, if this component encounters an error. See “Job components” and “Enabling transactionality for projects and jobs” for information on the “Propagate Rollback” property.