Drag the DB Staging component onto the Design window.
Connect the DB Staging’s IN-port to the component that provides the inbound data.
To add input streams to the DB Staging component, you can drop connections from the data providing component on the staging component. The ports are automatically created by the component.
In the Properties window, add the Connection Parameters to the database where you want to add the staging table(s).
Specify a valid interface and host name to create the connection. See “DB Staging properties list” for specific field requirements.
If the staging tables you are going to use already exist,
skip the next step.
In the Design window, right-click the DB Staging component and select one of these options:
Create Staging Table from Input.
Create Staging Table from Port.
If you have selected the Create Staging Table from Input option, select the appropriate Port structure, and click OK. Enter a name for the new table.
If you have selected the Create Staging Table from Port option, enter a name for the new table and select an appropriate port structure. Click Apply.
In the Add table window, verify if the information included for the new table is correct and click Create.
In the Properties window, click the Stage Options icon to open the Stage Options window.
The Stage Options window also lets you define Truncate Table and the Write Block Size options for each staging table.
In the Properties window, click the Query icon and create a query to select data from the staging area.
To update the port structure with changes made to the database:
Right-click the DB Staging component.
Select Reconfigure.
The Reconfigure option updates the component configuration when there is a change in the database schema. It closes the current connection, opens a new connection to the database, reads the metadata of the query, and applies the updates to the port structure.