Runtime Errors

The application might not run correctly when you select Design > Run Project in the Project painter, when you run the executable file in the deployment folder, or when a user runs the installed application.

When you or a user runs the executable file, PowerBuilder creates a file called PBTrace.log in the same directory as the executable. This file can help you trace runtime errors. It can be configured by editing the appname.exe.config file, where appname is the name of the executable file:
    <!-- The value could be "enabled" or "disabled"-->
    <add key ="PBTrace" value ="enabled"/>
    <!-- The target can be File, EventLog or File|EventLog -->
    <add key ="PBTraceTarget" value="File"/>
    <!-- If the Target is File, PBTraceFileName should also be
    <add key ="PBTraceFileName" value ="PBTrace.log"/>
    <!-- EventLogId is optional(0 is default), and it only 
         works when EventLog is enabled-->
    <add key ="PBEventLogID" value ="1101"/>
The following problems might also occur: