The Theme Manager allows users to change the appearance of controls in Web Forms applications. By default, the controls display with themes that are consistent with the operating system of the client browser.
However, the Theme Manager allows users to change the controls to appear with Windows XP or Windows Classic themes regardless of the underlying operating system. You can also change the default themes for all browsers by modifying the PBDefaultTheme global property at design time.
For a description of global properties, see Global Web Configuration Properties.
Another global property, PBThemeManager, determines whether the Theme Manager is available to users at runtime. When you set the PBThemeManager property to true, the Theme Manager icon normally displays in every window of your Web Forms application. Users can open the Theme Manager at any time by clicking the Theme Manager icon. You can also code an application event to open the Theme Manager by calling the OpenThemeManager function.
Although you can choose to render the Theme Manager icon at design time, if you do not want it to appear on a specific window in your application, you can set the HasThemeManager property for that window to false.
See HasThemeManager and OpenThemeManager.
The Theme Manager icon displays in the upper right corner of Web Forms, just to the left of the Mail Profile Manager icon when that icon is also rendered. The Theme Manager opens in the current browser window when a user clicks the Theme Manager icon.