
Occurs when the current row changes in the DataWindow.

Applies to

Web DataWindow client control


Argument Description
sender String. Identifier for the client-side control.
newRow Number. The number of the row that has just become current.

Return codes

There are no special outcomes for this event. The only code is:


The SetRow function, as well as user actions, can trigger the RowFocusChanged and ItemFocusChanged events.
Note: The server-side event that posts back to the RowFocusChanged client-side event can be triggered by these default event handlers: PBDataWindow_RowFocusChanged, PBDataWindow_ClickedDifferentRow, and PBDataWindow_DelayedClickedDifferentRow.


This script in an .aspx file shows an alert message when the row focus changes:
function objdw_RowFocusChanged(sender, newRowNumber) {
   alert("Focus changed to row " + newRowNumber);