
Occurs when the current item in the control changes.

Applies to

Web DataWindow client control


Argument Description
sender String. Identifier for the client-side control.
row Number. The number of the row containing the item that has just gained focus.
columnName String. The name of the column containing the item.

Return codes

There are no special outcomes for this event. The only code is:


ItemFocusChanged occurs when focus is set to another column in the DataWindow, including when the DataWindow is first displayed. The row and column together uniquely identify an item in the DataWindow.

In Web Forms targets, once a DataWindow loses focus and a postback event is triggered, the DataWindow loses memory of its current column. If the same cell regains the focus, the ItemFocusChanged event is triggered because the current column is lost after the page posts back to the client.

Note: The server-side event that posts back to the ItemFocusChanged client-side event can be triggered by this event handler: PBDataWindow_ItemFocusChanged.