To define a jag_connect task to run in local mode, set the localServer option to the name of the server to use when running in local mode. Specify the name of the server that you would connect to if running in connected mode. If you specify this option, the connected-mode arguments are ignored and jagant runs in local mode. For example, this sample project defines a connect task to run in local mode on the server Jaguar, then runs the jag_list command in the scope of the local-mode connection:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE project [ <!ENTITY jagtasks SYSTEM "file:./jagtasks.xml"> ]> <project name="local_sample" default="list_packages" basedir="."> <!-- include server task definitions --> &jagtasks; <!-- connect --> <target name="connect"> <jag_connect localServer="Jaguar" /> </target> <!-- list packages in the server --> <target name="list_packages" depends="connect"> <jag_list type="Package" /> </target> </project>