After retrieving a reference to the CosTransactions::Current interface, you can call any of the CosTransactions::Current methods on the CosTransactions::Current reference. After executing the begin method, execute the database operations you want to include in the transaction. Depending on whether the database operations succeed or fail, you can execute other appropriate methods, such as commit, rollback, or rollback_only. This code fragment shows how to begin a transaction and commit or roll it back depending on the return codes received from the databases.
CurrentIntf->begin(); ret = JagCmGetConnection( &cache, (SQLCHAR *) USERID, (SQLCHAR *) PASSWD, (SQLCHAR *) xaresource, (SQLCHAR *) "CTLIB_110", (void*) &conn, JAG_CM_UNUSED ); if (ret != CS_SUCCEED) { cerr << "Error getting connection" << endl; CurrentInt->rollback(); } CurrentIntf->commit(CS_FALSE);