Creating stub instances

You call the Session::lookup method to return a factory for proxy object references. The signature of Session::lookup is:

SessionManager::Factory_var lookup("name")

Session::lookup takes a string that specifies the name of the component to instantiate. A component’s default name is the EAServer package name and the component name, separated by a slash as in calculator/calc. However, a different name can be specified by changing the name binding properties for EJB components. For example, you can specify a logical name, such as USA/MyCompany/FinanceServer/Payroll. For more information on configuring the naming service, see Chapter 5, “Naming Services,” in the EAServer System Administration Guide.

Session::lookup returns a factory for component proxies. Call the Factory::create method to obtain proxies for the component. This method returns a org.omg.CORBA.Object reference. Call _narrow to convert the object reference into an instance of the stub class for the component.

The code to call Session::factory and Factory::create looks like this:

  // In this example, the component is named 
  // Repository and is installed in 
  // the EAServer package.

Object_var obj = session->lookup("Jaguar/Repository");
SessionManager::Factory_var repoFactory =

obj = repoFactory->create();
Jaguar::Repository_var repository = 

// Verify that we really have an instance.
if (CORBA::is_nil(repository)) 
  cout << "ERROR: Null instance for component.";

NoteCalling Session.lookup in server code When called from server code, Session::lookup resolves the component name by calling the name service, which gives preference to a local component instance if the component is installed on the same server. However, the use of a locally installed component is not guaranteed. To ensure that a local implementation is used, specify the name as local:package/component, where package is the package name and component is the component name, for example, local:CtsSecurity/SessionInfo. When you specify the local: prefix, the lookup call bypasses the name service and returns a local instance if the component is installed in the same server. The call fails if the specified component is not installed in the same server..