Generate server integration code and implementation templates

Once you have created the package and component, you must generate the files that allow your C++ implementation to run in EAServer and clients to invoke the component. These include the EJB wrapper component that EAServer generates to invoke the C++ library, the client stub interface files, and an implementation template for the component.

StepsGenerating the server-side files

  1. In the Management Console, expand the cpptut package. Beneath it, right-click the CPPArithmetic component and choose Refresh.

  2. The Management Console generates the required files. If generation fails, check the server log file for a description of the problem.

StepsGenerating C++ stubs

  1. If using Windows, run the following command at a prompt:

    %DJC_HOME%\bin\idl-compiler -v Tutorial\CPPArithmetic.idl -f %DJC_HOME%\include -cpp

    If using UNIX, run the following command at a prompt:

    $DJC_HOME/bin/ -v Tutorial\CPPArithmetic.idl -f $DJC_HOME/include -cpp