To create a CORBA/Java compoent, you use the Management Console or a configuration script to define basic information about the component, such as the component name and methods, compile and deploy the component implementation classes, then generate files that are required to write the component’s class implementation.
The steps are as follows:
Define the component interface in CORBA IDL and deploy the IDL to the EAServer repository. Chapter 3, “Using CORBA IDL,” describes how to do this.
Create EAServer entities to define the CORBA packages and components. The package and component properties specify the component interfaces and control interaction between EAServer and your implementation. Chapter 4, “Managing CORBA Packages and Components,” describes how to do this.
Develop the component implementation, as described in “Write the Java source file”.
Generate the EJB wrapper components required to host the CORBA component by running the jaguar-compiler command on the CORBA package as described in “Generating EJB wrapper components”.
A tutorial is available
If you are new to EAServer, follow the steps in Chapter 14, “Tutorial: Creating CORBA Java Components and Clients” to get aquainted with
the Java development and deployment cycle.