If an IDL module contains datatypes and interfaces (and not just nested modules), EAServer Java classes for the datatypes in a Java package derived from the IDL module name. For example, for IDL types in module foo::bar, the CORBA Java types are in Java package foo.bar, and EJB equivalents are in Java package foo.bar.ejb.
You can override the default Java package name using one of these techniques:
For CORBA components where the CORBA package name matches the IDL module name, set the Java Package property for the CORBA package (com.sybase.jaguar.package.java.package). See “CORBA package property descriptions”.
For stubs generated from other IDL modules, Sybase recommends that you use the default Java package name to simplify coding conventions and avoid redundant Java classes generated from the same IDL module.
To override the default Java package, specify the -jp option when generating stubs with the idl-compiler command. See the reference page for idl-compiler in Chapter 12, “Command Line Tools,” in the System Administration Guide.