The EAServer JMS provider allows you to create and configure JMS message queues; however, you need not preconfigure message queues unless their properties require nondefault values. A JMS client that uses the JMS initial context factory com.sybase.jms.client.InitialContectFactory can look up preconfigured queues by name. To look up queues that have not been preconfigured, clients can either use a JNDI name that ends with “Queue,” or use the javax.jms.Session.createQueue API. You can also use this API to look up preconfigured queues.
To override default properties for JMS temporary queues, name the message queue “javax.jms.TemporaryQueue.”
In the Management Console, expand the Resources folder, select JMS Message Queues, right-click, and select Add.
In the wizard, enter a name for the message queue, and select Finish.
message queue properties
Select the message queue to configure.
In the right pane, configure the properties on these tabs: