The following implicit objects are always available within scriptlets and expressions:
Request – the request triggering the service invocation.
Response – the response to the request.
PageContext – the page context for this JSP.
Session – the session object created for the requesting client (if any).
Application – the servlet context obtained from the servlet configuration, as in the call getservletConfig().getContext().
Out – an object that writes to the output stream.
Config – the ServletConfig for this JSP.
Page – the instance of this page’s implementation class that is processing the current request. A synonym for this when the programming language is Java.
For information about the scope and type of each implicit object, see the JavaServer Pages Syntax Card
If the JSP is an error page (the page directive’s isErrorPage attribute is set to true), the following implicit object is also available:
exception – the uncaught Throwable that resulted in the error page being invoked.
For more information, see “Error handling”.