Messages 20572 through 20599

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
20572 Error QFA64 -1001071L "No valid license found for user-defined function. Feature: %2 %1" No valid license found for UDF feature.

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20573 Error QFA65 -1001072L "User-defined function %2 internal programming error. %3 . %1" User-defined function has an internal programming error.

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20574 Error QFA66 -1001073L "The result datatype for function '%2' exceeds the maximum supported numeric precision of 255. Please set the proper value for precision in numeric function, %1" Precision requested for numeric function is larger than what is allowed. Please set the proper value for precision if not set.

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20575 Error QFA67 -1001074L "The number of select list columns do not match the required for the input table parameter %2, %1" MARKNEW Please check your input query or definition of the UDF.

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20584 Error QCA15 -1013015L "Multi-column indexes that are non unique or of more than 5300 bytes in total width are not supported. %1" Multicolumn indexes that are non unique or of more than 1024 bytes in total width are not supported. The total width is obtained by summing the individual widths of the various columns involved in the multicolumn index.

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20585 Warning 00A15 1013015L "Row Delimiter: %1" This is the ROW DELIMITER used for the LOAD.

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20586 Error QCA16 -1013016L "FILLER" No additional information available.

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20587 Error QCA17 -1013017L "An internal error occurred while calling a method on a db_sql_*_identifier. Object does not have an IIndex Handle. %1" This error should not occur during normal operation. It is an internal error. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

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20588 Error QCA18 -1013018L "An internal error occurred while calling a method on db_sql_*_identifier. Object does not have an IColumn Handle. %1" This error should not occur during normal operation. It is an internal error. If this error occurs, it should be reported to Sybase.

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20589 Error QCA19 -1013019L "CHECK constraint has unsupported component %2. %1" the CHECK constraints contains either a subquery, a aggregate function, a user defined function, or other components that are not supported by IQ. CHECK constraints are not supported by Sybase IQ.

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20590 Error QCA20 -1013020L "User defined default values are not supported. %1" User defined default values are not supported by Sybase IQ.

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20591 Error QCA21 -1013021L "Multi-column indexes of the specified type are not supported. %1" Multi-column indexes of the user specified type are not supported by Sybase IQ.

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20592 Error QCA22 -1013022L "Cannot create a duplicate '%2' index '%3'. %1" Cannot create duplicate indexes of the same type on a set of columns.

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20593 Error QCA23 -1013023L "Cannot create a unique '%2' index. %1" Fast Projection, Low Disk, and High Non Group index types cannot be created as unique.

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20594 Error QCA24 -1013024L "ALTER TABLE MODIFY <column> <datatype> is not supported. %1" Cannot modify the datatype of a column.

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20595 Error QCA25 -1013025L "ALTER TABLE MODIFY <default-value> is not supported. %1" Cannot modify the default value of a column as defaults are not supported.

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20596 Error QNA00 -1008000L "Users are not allowed to create an FP index. FP indexes are created automatically when the table is created." Users are not able to create Fast Projection indexes on columns. They are created automatically when the table is created.

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20597 Error QCA27 -1013027L "Number of bytes (%2) for a column from an input file has exceeded the maximum allowed (%3). %1" The number of bytes you are trying to load into a column from an input file has exceeded the maximum number of bytes allowed.

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20598 Error QCA28 -1013028L "An invalid size (too large) was specified for a LOAD option. %1" A size too large was specified for a LOAD option. Check the options specified for the LOAD statement.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20599 Error QCA29 -1013029L "The INSERT...LOCATION statement must have a SELECT statement. %1" The INSERT...LOCATION statement must use a SELECT statement to provide the data for insertion. No other SQL statement type is supported here.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: