Messages 20207 through 20227

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
20207 Error QSB63 -1009167L "dbspace %2 failed to open since it's definition conflicts with dbspace %3. Secondary server may need to be synchronized. %1" The server has an invalid dbspace configuration. New dbspaces may fail to open or the server may fail to start until this is corrected.

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20208 Error QSB64 -1009168L "The WORD SKIP limit (%2) has been exceeded. %1" The number of words encountered that are longer than the limit specified when the word index was create has been exceeded for the load. The load will rollback.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20209 Error QIA00 -1004000L "The number of connections in the connection pool have exceeded the upper limit" The number of connections in the connection pool have exceeded the total number of connections allowed in the connection pool. No more connections can be allocated.

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20210 Error QIA01 -1004001L "Number of unused connections exceeded the maximum number of unused connections in the connection pool" The number of unused connections in the connection pool has exceeded the maximum number of unused connections in the connection pool.

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20211 Warning 01A60 1004060L "Warning: Heartbeat frequency should be less than or equal to other timeout periods" The heartbeat frequency should always be less than or equal to other timeout period. This is to make sure that the time lag between the timeout occurring and the time when it is detected is minimal.

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20212 Error QIA03 -1004003L "Timeout period should be greater than or equal to the heartbeat frequency" All the timeout periods should be greater than or equal to the heartbeat frequency.

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20213 Warning QIA61 1004061L "Warning: All INC timeout periods should be multiple of Heartbeat frequency" All the timeout periods of INC(e.g.,AUTOEXCLUDE,LIVENESS,IDLE_CONNECTION) requires to be multiple of the Heartbeat Frequency.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20215 Error QIA04 -1004004L "No connection found for the server id %1 on the coordinator" A secondary node with the given server id does not exist on the coordinator connection list

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20216 Error QIA05 -1004005L "Timeout period should be multiple of the Heartbeat Frequency" All the timeout periods of INC(e.g.,AUTOEXCLUDE,LIVENESS,IDLE_CONNECTION) requires to be multiple of the Heartbeat Frequency.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20217 Error QIA06 -1004006L "Unused Connection Pool size should be always less than the Maximum Connection Pool size" Unused Connection pool size can not be greater can not be greater than the maximum allowable size of the Connection pool

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20218 Error QIA07 -1004007L "Unable to acquire a pooled connection to the coordinator node" There are no empty pooled connections on the secondary node and also no new connections can be established because the total number of connections has exceeded the maximum capacity of the connection pool

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20219 Error QIA08 -1004008L "Coordinator node is offline" Coordinator node is offline and hence, all the suspended commands on the suspended connections will be terminated

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20220 Error QIA09 -1004009L "INC communication failure %1" INC communication failure. This can happen if either the coordinator or the secondary node is restarted or shutdown down when the other node is trying to connect to it

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20221 Error QIA10 -1004010L "Error in getting current user information" Error returned while trying to find out the current user connected to the given node

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20222 Error QSB65 -1009169L "Cannot write to RO DBSpace %2. %1" No additional information available..

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20223 Error QSB66 -1009170L "You have run out of space in %2 DBSpace. %1" No additional information available..

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20224 Error QSB67 -1009171L "An IO error was encountered while writing a database page in %2 DBSpace. %1" No additional information available..

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20225 Error QIA14 -1004014L "Trying to execute an unknown SQL type over the INC connection" The node is trying to execute an unknown SQL over the dblib connections

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20226 Error QSB68 -1009172L "%2 is in use by another sp_iqemptyfile or ALTER DBSPACE command. %1" sp_iqemptyfile or ALTER DBSPACE commands disallow status change for the FILE(s) or DBSPACE. No other ALTER DBSPACE or sp_iqemptyfile command can run on those FILE(s) or DBSPACE.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

20227 Error QSB69 -1009173L "Operation not permitted on an OFFLINE DBSpace %2. %1" No additional information available..

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: