Messages 3042 through 3064

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
3042 Error 53021 -1362L "Cannot treat value '%1' as type %2. The dynamic type is %3." An error occurred while trying to treat a value as another data type. The dynamic type of the value does not match the destination type.

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3043 Error 52W51 -1363L "The 'currval' operator is not defined yet for sequence '%1' for this connection" The currval operator of a sequence generator is only defined once nextval has been called for the sequence within the current connection.

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3046 Error 42WE3 -1366L "Sequence '%1' in use by another connection" You have attempted to drop a sequence that is currently being used by another connection.

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3047 Error 42WE2 -1367L "User owns sequences in use" You attempted to drop a user that owns a sequence being used by other active users of the database.

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3049 Error 52W52 -1369L "Sequence generators are not supported for this database" The current database does not have catalog support for sequence generators. To use this feature, upgrade your database to the most recent version.

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3050 Error WT022 -1370L "Text queries cannot contain more than 300 terms." A text query should contain 300 terms or less.

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3051 Error 42WE4 -1371L "The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because the ON conditions must refer to both sides of the OUTER JOIN." You attempted to change the refresh type to immediate for a materialized view whose definition contains an illegal ON condition.

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3052 Error 5RW43 -1373L "Synchronization failed with internal error: %1" An internal error occurred during the execution of the SYNCHRONIZE statement.

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3053 Error 5RW44 -1374L "Synchronization failed. Check the results of the call to sp_get_last_synchronize_result( %1 ) for more information." The synchronization completed, but the exit code from the synchronization indicates that the synchronization was not successful. Check the results of the call to sp_get_last_synchronize_result() for more information.

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3054 Error 5RW45 -1375L "Failed to start the dbmlsync server" The database server failed to start a new dbmlsync process or failed to connect to an existing dbmlsync server running on the port number specified in the SYNCHRONIZE statement.

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3055 Error 5RW46 -1376L "Failed to connect to the dbmlsync server" The database server failed to make a connection to the dbmlsync server

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3056 Error 5RW47 -1377L "The SYNCHRONIZE statement timed out" The SYNCHRONIZE statement did not complete within the timeout value specified. Check the results of the call to sp_get_last_synchronize_result() for more information.

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3057 Error 5RW48 -1378L "The database server failed to shut down the dbmlsync server" The database server started a new dbmlsync server to process the SYNCHRONIZE statement, but encountered an error while attempting to shut the process down.

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3058 Error 5RW49 -1379L "The dbmlsync server failed to shut down in a timely manner" The database server started a new dbmlsync server to process the SYNCHRONIZE statement, was successful in requesting that the process shut down, but the process did not shut down within the timeout value that was specified.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

3059 Error 08WA4 -1380L "Client redirected more than once" The connection was redirected by the primary server to another server, which also attempted to redirect the connection.

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3060 Error WW159 -1381L "Database server name '%1' cannot be the same as either the primary or mirror server" The mirror servers defined with type PRIMARY or MIRROR cannot have names that match actual server names.

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3061 Error 0AW26 -1382L "Download failed due to an invalid or unsupported row value" The synchronization download failed because a downloaded row contained a column value that was either invalid or not supported.

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3062 Error WW160 -1383L "The licensed maximum number of mirror servers with type COPY has been exceeded" The maximum number of mirror servers with type COPY that may be defined is limited by the database server license. An attempt was made to create a new mirror server with type COPY when the maximum allowed number of such servers already existed.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

3063 Error WW161 -1385L "Synchronization failed. Check the dbmlsync log file for more details." The synchronization was not successful. Check the dbmlsync log file for more details.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

3064 Error WW162 -1386L "Failed to connect to the dbmlsync server. Check the dbmlsync log file for more details." The MobiLink agent adapter failed to make a connection to the dbmlsync server. Check the dbmlsync log file for more details.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: