Messages 2084 through 2104

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
2084 Error 52002 -144L "Column '%1' found in more than one table or it is used more than once in the SELECT list -- it needs a correlation name" You have not specified a correlation name on a column which is found in more than one of the tables referenced in a query block or which appears more than once in the SELECT list of a query block. You need to add a correlation name to the column.

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2085 Error 52W07 -145L "Foreign key name '%1' not found" You misspelled the name of a foreign key, or the foreign key does not exist.

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2086 Error 53W04 -146L "There is no way to join '%1' to '%2'" You may have attempted a KEY JOIN between two tables and there is no foreign key on one of the tables that references the primary key of the other table. You may have attempted a NATURAL JOIN between two tables that have no common column names.

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2087 Error 52W08 -147L "There is more than one way to join '%1' to '%2'" You are attempting to KEY JOIN two tables, and there are two or more foreign keys relating the two tables. There may be two foreign keys from the first table to the second table. It may be that each table has a foreign key to the other table. You must use a correlation name for the primary key table that is the same as the role name of the desired foreign key relationship.

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2088 Error 52W14 -136L "Table '%1' is in an outer join cycle" You specified outer joins that create a cycle of tables.

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2090 Error 52W15 -137L "Table '%1' requires a unique correlation name" You specified a join that joins a table to itself. You need to use unique correlation names to have multiple instances of a table.

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2091 Error 42W05 -148L "Unknown function '%1'" You misspelled the name of a database function (such as MAXIMUM instead of MAX) in a query definition or in a query column name.

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2092 Error 53003 -149L "Function or column reference to '%1' must also appear in a GROUP BY" You used a non-aggregate function or column reference in the SELECT list or in a nested query block that does not appear in the GROUP BY clause. In a query using GROUP BY, SELECT list items that are not aggregate functions must also appear in the GROUP BY clause. If the SELECT list item is a column reference or an alias, you may add the column name or alias to the GROUP BY clause. If the SELECT list item is a scalar function, ensure that the function's arguments in the GROUP BY clause match exactly with those in the SELECT list. You may be able to use the MAX function (or another aggregate function) on the column name instead of adding the column to the GROUP BY clause.

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2093 Error 42W06 -150L "Invalid use of an aggregate function" You attempted to use an aggregate function inappropriately. For example, a SELECT statement cannot contain an aggregate function within a predicate in the WHERE clause unless the aggregate function constitutes an outer reference. Other invalid uses include specifying an aggregate function in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement, or using an aggregate function in a CHECK constraint.

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2094 Error 53023 -151L "Subquery allowed only one SELECT list item" You entered a subquery that has more than one column in the SELECT list. Change the SELECT list to have only one column.

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2095 Error 53005 -152L "Invalid ORDER BY specification" Either you used an integer in an ORDER BY list and the integer is larger than the number of columns in the SELECT list, or you specified an ORDER BY expression that is semantically invalid. For example, with UNION queries you can only use integers to specify an ordering of the result.

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2096 Error 53026 -153L "Select lists in UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT do not match in length" You specified a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT, but the SELECT statements involved in the operation do not have the same number of columns in the SELECT list.

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2097 Error 52W17 -612L "User message %1 not found" The message with this error number does not exist in the database.

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2098 Error 52W18 -613L "User-defined type '%1' not found" The user-defined type with this name does not exist in the database.

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2099 Error 55W05 -614L "Cannot drop a user that owns messages or data types" You attempted to drop a user that is the creator of a message or user-defined data type. The message or user-defined data type must be dropped first.

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2100 Error 37505 -154L "Wrong number of parameters to function '%1'" You supplied an incorrect number of parameters to a database function.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2101 Error 42W47 -615L "Parameter '%1' not found in procedure '%2'" You supplied a procedure parameter name that does not match a parameter for this procedure. Check the spelling of the parameter name.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2102 Error 42W07 -155L "Invalid host variable" You supplied an invalid host variable to the database using the C language interface. You may have supplied the variable as a host variable or through a SQLDA.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2103 Error 42W08 -156L "Invalid expression near '%1'" You supplied an expression that the database server cannot understand. For example, you may have tried to add two dates.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2104 Error 53018 -157L "Cannot convert %1 to a %2" An error occurred while trying to convert a value to another data type.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: