Messages 2739 through 2758

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
2739 Error 28W13 -1070L "Kerberos logins are not supported" The client and/or server does not support Kerberos logins. Kerberos may not be supported by the platform, the Kerberos client software including the GSS-API runtime may not be installed or found on the client, or Kerberos was not enabled on the server. The LogFile connection parameter or the server's -z option may provide more information.

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2740 Error 0AW16 -1071L "The %1 algorithm is not available in FIPS mode" The specified algorithm is not available when the server is running in FIPS mode.

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2741 Error WC009 -1072L "'%1' is not a valid character set encoding for use with collation '%2'" The specified character set cannot be used with the specified collation.

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2742 Error WC010 -1073L "'%1' cannot be used as the NCHAR collation: only UCA and UTF8BIN may be used" The specified collation cannot be used as the NCHAR collation. NCHAR always uses UTF-8, so the collation must be either UCA or UTF8BIN.

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2743 Error 28W14 -1074L "Login mode '%1' not permitted by login_mode setting" You attempted to connect using a login mode not included in the current login_mode database option setting. Change the option setting or connect using a different login mode.

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2744 Error WC011 -1075L "Failed to convert from character set '%1' to '%2'" The server failed to convert between the two specified character sets. This could happen when the dbicu and dbicudt DLLs are not installed.

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2745 Error WC012 -1076L "dbicu libraries are required but not installed" The server is unable to load ICU components that are required by this database. Ensure that the dbicu and dbicudt DLLs are installed.

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2746 Error 42WBC -1077L "Cannot use materialized view '%1' because it has not yet been initialized" You attempted to use a materialized view but it has not yet been initialized. In order for a materialized view to become available for first use after being created or enabled, it must be initialized at least once using the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.

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2747 Error 42WBD -1078L "Cycle in computed column dependencies" The table has a cycle in the dependencies between its computed columns. Cycles are not allowed.

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2748 Error WB017 -1079L "Backup is unable to open database file '%1'" The database file cannot be opened by the backup. It may have been erased or otherwise corrupted.

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2749 Error 42WBE -1080L "Cannot revoke these permissions while user '%1' is actively replicating transactions" You attempted to revoke permissions from a user while there are transactions currently being replicated for that user. This is not allowed.

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2750 Error 55W24 -1081L "Could not refresh tracing: at least one enabled tracing level must be specified" Table sa_diagnostic_tracing_level contains no rows (tracing levels) or no tracing levels are enabled.

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2751 Error WW066 -1082L "Could not refresh tracing: invalid tracing specification on sa_diagnostic_tracing_level row %1" You specified an invalid combination of values for the tracing level. Some invalid combinations are: specified condition is not valid for the tracing type, or specified tracing type is not valid for the scope.

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2752 Error WW067 -1083L "Could not refresh tracing: failed to find object %1 on row %2" You misspelled the object name, or you did not qualify the name with user (and, possibly, table) name. For example, you might have referred to Employees instead of "DBA"."Employees", or you might have referred to Employees_trigger instead of "DBA"."Employees"."Employees_trigger".

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2753 Error 57W02 -1084L "Use of feature '%1' is not allowed" You have attempted to use a feature that was disabled by the server administrator when the database server was started.

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2754 Error 42WC0 -1085L "Duplicate key column (%1)" You supplied a duplicate column name in the list of columns for the key of a primary key, foreign key, or unique constraint, or an index.

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2755 Error 42Z00 -1086L "Write access was denied" A write attempt to an UltraLite database in read-only mode was denied. Note that UltraLite databases cannot be modified while sending an upload to MobiLink.

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2756 Error WW068 -1087L "Could not refresh tracing: volatile_statistics have to be collected in order for %1 specified on row %2 to be collected" Volatile statistics have to be collected in order for the non-volatile and connection statistics to be collected.

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2757 Error WW069 -1088L "ATTACH TRACING TO LOCAL DATABASE cannot be used with a strongly encrypted database" The local database is strongly encrypted, so you cannot use the LOCAL DATABASE clause of the ATTACH TRACING statement. You must specify a connection string with the encryption key for the database.

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2758 Error 52W26 -1089L "Invalid commit action for shared temporary table" A global shared temporary table must be declared as ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS or NOT TRANSACTIONAL.

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Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: