Messages 2412 through 2431

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
2412 Warning WB011 119L "Unable to open backup log '%1'" The server was unable to open the backup log to record the execution of a BACKUP or RESTORE statement. Check the settings of the environment variables used to locate the backup log file. The directory to contain the log must already exist.

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2413 Error 42U00 -766L "View references '%1', which is a temporary object. Views can only refer to permanent objects" Views must refer only to permanent objects, not to temporary objects such as local temporary tables.

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2414 Error 5RW12 -767L "Cannot find synchronization subscription with the name '%1'" You misspelled the name of a synchronization subscription or you did not qualify it correctly with a user name.

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2415 Error 5RW13 -768L "Cannot subscribe to '%1'" Some publications cannot be subscribed to, such as a synchronization publication.

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2416 Error 5RW14 -769L "Cannot modify synchronization entry using ALTER PUBLICATION" You attempted to modify a synchronization entry using an ALTER PUBLICATION statement.

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2417 Error 5RW15 -770L "Cannot modify publication entry using ALTER SYNCHRONIZATION" You attempted to modify a publication entry using an ALTER SYNCHRONIZATION statement.

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2418 Error WE001 -771L "Event '%1' not found" You have attempted to reference an event with a name that does not exist in the database.

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2419 Error WE002 -772L "Event '%1' already exists" You have attempted to create an event with a name that already exists in the database.

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2420 Error WE003 -773L "Schedule '%1' for event '%2' not found" You have attempted to reference a schedule with a name that does not exist in the database for the named event.

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2421 Error WE004 -774L "Schedule '%1' for event '%2' already exists" You have attempted to create a schedule with a name that already exists in the database for the named event.

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2422 Error WQ013 -1545L "Cannot create logical server named '%1'. Choose another name for logical server." Logical server names ALL, NONE, SERVER, OPEN, DEFAULT and COORDINATOR are reserved for the current or future releases.

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2423 Error WQ012 -1544L "Login disallowed. User does not have sufficient authority to access SERVER logical server." Accessing SERVER logical server requires either DBA or MULTIPLEX ADMIN authority.

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2424 Error 5RW16 -777L "Cannot synchronize table '%1' since it does not have a primary key" Tables being synchronized must contain a primary key.

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2425 Error 5RW17 -778L "Must include primary key for table '%1' in the synchronization" The primary key of the table must be included in the synchronization entry.

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2426 Error 5RW18 -779L "Cannot create synchronization entry for table '%1' with BLOB primary key" You attempted to create a synchronization entry on a table with a BLOB primary key.

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2427 Error 5RW19 -780L "Cannot update primary key for table '%1' involved in a publication" The primary key of a table involved in a publication cannot be updated. The prevent_article_pkey_update database option can be set to Off to allow updates to the primary key of the table involved in the publication.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2428 Error WQ011 -1543L "Logical server configuration of the user's login policy does not allow access to the current multiplex server." Logical server configuration of the user's login policy does not allow access to the current multiplex server. You may need to change logical server configuration of user's login policy to allow access to the current multiplex server.

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2429 Error 5RW21 -782L "Cannot register '%1' since another exclusive instance is running" You attempted to start an application, but another exclusive instance of the same application is already registered.

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2430 Error 5RW22 -783L "Cannot register another '%1' as an exclusive application" You attempted to register an exclusive application but another instance of the same application is already registered.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2431 Error 5RW23 -784L "Cannot register connection because of invalid application cookie" Application registration cannot be found for the given cookie.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: