Messages 2289 through 2310

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
2289 Error WW018 -663L "Cannot deserialize Java object" The persistent Java object cannot be read from the database column. Possibly, the class of the object has been removed or modified.

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2290 Error 08W40 -664L "Database is active" The attempted operation (CREATE ENCRYPTED, CREATE DECRYPTED, ALTER DATABASE) cannot be performed while the database is running. Stop the database to perform the operation.

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2291 Error 08W41 -665L "Database \"%1\" needs recovery" The database quit abnormally the last time it was used. Database recovery must be performed before proceeding.

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2292 Error WO007 -666L "The remote table '%1' could not be found" The table could not be found on the remote server. Check the remote table name and the user privileges on that table.

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2293 Error WO008 -667L "Could not access column information for the table '%1'" Column information for the table could not be accessed. Check permissions for the table.

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2294 Error 09W06 -668L "Cursor is restricted to FETCH NEXT operations" An illegal FETCH operation has been detected for a NO SCROLL cursor. For a forward-only cursor the only permitted FETCH operations are FETCH RELATIVE 0 and FETCH NEXT (FETCH RELATIVE 1).

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2295 Error WJ001 -669L "Method '%1' cannot be called at this time" The method cannot be called at this time. Check that the method is not being called out of order.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2296 Error WP005 -670L "Invalid class byte code" A binary expression passed to the INSTALL JAVA statement was not a valid Java class.

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2298 Error 08W42 -672L "Database upgrade failed" Your attempt to upgrade a database failed. This could be caused by a failure to locate one of the SQL script files used to define the system table changes.

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2299 Error 08W43 -673L "Database upgrade not possible" An attempt to upgrade a database failed. The database is too old to be upgraded.

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2300 Error 09W07 -674L "Statement's size limit is invalid" FIRST or TOP n are used in a SELECT statement to limit the size of a result. The size limit must be a constant integer greater than 0 and less than 32767.

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2301 Error WP006 -675L "External environment could not be started, '%1' could not be found" A problem was encountered starting the External Environment. A component that is needed to run the environment could not be found.

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2302 Error 52004 -163L "Derived table '%1' has no name for column %2" The specified column of the derived table has no column name. Use a SELECT list alias in the query specification or use a derived columns specifier.

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2303 Error WJ003 -676L "The specified transaction isolation is invalid" The specified transaction isolation is invalid.

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2304 Error 56001 -677L "Table '%1' has a foreign key with a referential action" The table could not be renamed as it has a foreign key with a referential action. To rename the table, first drop the foreign key constraints.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2305 Error 52W40 -678L "Index name '%1' is ambiguous" A statement has referred to an index name that is not unique. Preface the index name with the table and/or owner name.

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2307 Error 52W23 -680L "Invalid expression in WHERE clause of Transact-SQL outer join" An expression in the WHERE clause of a query that uses Transact-SQL syntax contains a comparison of a column from the NULL-supplying table with a subquery or an expression that references a column from another table.

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2308 Error 52W24 -681L "Invalid join type used with Transact-SQL outer join" An invalid join type was used with a query that contains Transact-SQL outer join comparison operators.

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2309 Error WO010 -682L "%1" This message is used for displaying component integration services debug messages in the messages window.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

2310 Error WP007 -164L "Namespace heap exhausted at internal function: %1" The amount of space allocated for the Java Namespace is insufficient to continue loading Java classes. Increase the size by using: SET OPTION PUBLIC.java_namespace_size = nnnnnnnn.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: