Messages 21203 through 21223

Messages on this page are sorted by Sybase error code. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

Number Msg Type SQL State SQL Code Message Possible Cause
21203 Error QBC73 -1006273L "License limit for dbspaces reached. Cannot create new dbspace" SYSAM Number of IQ Main DBSpaces higher than the licensed limit

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21204 Error QDD19 -1000331L "The requested FP style (%1) for %2 cannot be rebuilt. It will be rebuilt as %3." The requested FP style cannot be rebuilt. Increase main cache or set FP_Lookup_Size_PPM to a higher percentage for 3-byte FP.

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21205 Error QSB83 -1009187L "Textindex External Error: Error Code: %2: Error Message: %3. %1" Error from external prefilter or term breaker library.

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21206 Error QDD20 -1000332L "Odd length of binary data value detected on column %2 - %1" When loading hexadicimal data into BLOB, the total number of nibbles has to be an even number. If an odd number is detected, the load engine will rollback. This restriction does not apply to binary and varbinary data type.

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21207 Error QUA55 -1012055L "RESTORE VERIFY has found errors with the archive. %1" The verification of the provided archive has failed. Please check the server log for details of errors which were thrown during the verification process.

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21208 Warning QUA56 1012056L "Total number of IQ blocks verified: %1/%2 ( %3%% )" This is an informational message displayed in context with other messages.

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21209 Error QUA57 -1012057L "Command specified for virtual backup failed. %1" No additional information available.

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21210 Error QSB84 -1009189L "Text document exceeds maximum number of terms. Support up to 4294967295 terms per document. %1" Error from external prefilter or term breaker library.

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21211 Error QSB85 -1009190L "Incorrect %3 Index Version (%2): Index must be dropped and recreated. %1" Error from text index.

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21212 Error QXA60 -1010060L "Server option -iqmpx_nowr only allowed when there are no writers in multiplex %1" Please restart coordinator without -iqmpx_nowr switch to add a writer

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21213 Error QXA61 -1010061L "Server switch -iqmpx_nowr only allowed on coordinator node %1" Please restart the server without -iqmpx_nowr switch

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21214 Error QDD25 -1000335L "Cannot add writer when coordinator started with -iqmpx_nowr %1" Please restart coordinator without -iqmpx_nowr switch to add writer node

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21215 Error QDD26 -1000336L "Cannot convert to writer when coordinator started with -iqmpx_nowr %1" Please restart coordinator without -iqmpx_nowr switch to change role to writer

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21216 Error QDD27 -1000337L " Number of columns in Hash Partition key cannot be greater than %2. %1" Hash partition key columns cannot be greater than the allowed value.

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21217 Error QTA31 -1005031L "Illegal PARTITION BY item %2, %1" MARKNEW The specificied column name or ordinal number is not present within the select list.

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21218 Error QTA32 -1005032L "Conflicting partitioning requirements were detected in UDF '%2' and SQL '%3', %1" MARKNEW The partition by specification described by the UDF and contained within the SQL select conflict.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

21219 Error QTA33 -1005033L "Conflicting ordering requirements were detected: %2, %1" MARKNEW The order by specification described by the UDF and contained within the SQL select conflict.

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21220 Error QTA34 -1005034L "column is not present in the projection list, %1" No additional information available..

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21222 Error QIA11 -1004011L "Coordinator node not responding" Coordinator node is not responding. Check to see if the Coordinator is running

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21223 Error QIA12 -1004012L "INC communication between coordinator and secondary failed due to : %2 %1" INC communication failed between coordinator and secondary nodes. The error returned from target node is also displayed. This connection is similar to a client connection.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: