Messages 42WE8 through 52W03

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
42WE8 Error 3176 -1508L "The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because at least one non-nullable column from any null-supplying side of an OUTER JOIN must exist in the SELECT list." You attempted to change the refresh type to immediate for a materialized view whose SELECT list doesn't contain at least one non-nullable column for any null-supplying side of an OUTER JOIN.

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42WE9 Error 3177 -1509L "The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because the primary key columns of any table in the preserved side of an OUTER JOIN must exist in the SELECT list." You attempted to change the refresh type to immediate for a materialized view whose SELECT list doesn't contain the primary key columns of any table in the preserved side of an OUTER JOIN.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

42X00 Error 3015 -1335L "Type '%1' does not support method calls (near '%2')." You attempted to invoke a method on a value of a data type that does not define any methods.

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42X01 Error 3016 -1336L "Type '%1' has no method named '%2' (near '%3')." When attempting to match a method invocation, no method was found with the appropriate name. Check for spelling errors.

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42X02 Error 3017 -1337L "Method invocation '%1' does not match an overload (near '%2'). Available overloads are '%3'." When attempting to match a method invocation, none of the defined overloads was found to match the provided argument types. You may need to use CAST to select the appropriate call.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

42X03 Error 3018 -1338L "Type '%1' is not instantiable (near '%2')" A NEW expression was used for a data type that does not define any constructor methods.

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42X04 Error 3019 -1339L "Method '%1' cannot be called with %2 arguments (near '%3')" No overload of the specified method can be called with the number of arguments provided.

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42X05 Error 3020 -1340L "Type '%1' cannot be instantiated with %2 arguments (near '%3')" A NEW expression was used for a data type that does not define any constructor methods.

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42X06 Error 3021 -1341L "The instantiation '%1' does not match an overload (near '%2'). Available overloads are '%3'." When attempting to match a new specification, none of the defined constructor overloads was found to match the provided argument types. You may need to use CAST to select the appropriate call.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

42Z00 Error 2755 -1086L "Write access was denied" A write attempt to an UltraLite database in read-only mode was denied. Note that UltraLite databases cannot be modified while sending an upload to MobiLink.

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44000 Error 2235 -632L "WITH CHECK OPTION violated for insert/update on base table '%1'" You attempted an insert or update operation on the indicated base table through a view (possibly nested). However, one or more values in the modified row(s) triggered a WITH CHECK OPTION violation. This violation occurs when a modified value causes one or more rows to fall outside the range of the view by making the view's WHERE clause evaluate to FALSE or UNKNOWN for that row.

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52002 Error 2084 -144L "Column '%1' found in more than one table or it is used more than once in the SELECT list -- it needs a correlation name" You have not specified a correlation name on a column which is found in more than one of the tables referenced in a query block or which appears more than once in the SELECT list of a query block. You need to add a correlation name to the column.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

52003 Error 2481 -143L "Column '%1' not found" You misspelled the name of a column, or the column you are looking for is in a different table.

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52004 Error 2302 -163L "Derived table '%1' has no name for column %2" The specified column of the derived table has no column name. Use a SELECT list alias in the query specification or use a derived columns specifier.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

52005 Error 2083 -834L "Column '%1' not found in table '%2'" You misspelled the name of a column, or the column you are looking for is in a different table.

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52009 Error 2056 -119L "Primary key column '%1' already defined" You listed the same column name twice in the definition of a primary key.

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52010 Error 2047 -110L "Item '%1' already exists" You attempted to create a file, table, view, column, constraint, foreign key, or publication with the same name as an existing one.

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52012 Error 2079 -139L "More than one table is identified as '%1'" You identified two tables in the same FROM clause with the same correlation name.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

52W02 Error 2082 -142L "Correlation name '%1' not found" You misspelled a correlation name, or you used a table name instead of the correlation name.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

52W03 Error 2063 -183L "Cannot find index named '%1'" You attempted to perform an operation using an index that does not exist. Check for spelling errors. Check whether the index name must be qualified with a user ID.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: