Messages 42W43 through 42W62

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
42W43 Error 2251 -202L "Only PUBLIC settings are allowed for option '%1'" The option specified in the SET OPTION statement is PUBLIC only. You cannot define this option for any other user.

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42W44 Error 2253 -124L "More columns are being dropped from table '%1' than are defined" The number of columns in a table can never fall below one. Your ALTER TABLE has more drop/delete column clauses than the current number of columns in the table.

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42W45 Error 2254 -203L "Cannot set a temporary option for user '%1'" TEMPORARY options are set on a connection basis, and only for specific options known to the database server. To change an option for another user, do not specify TEMPORARY in the SET OPTION statement.

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42W46 Error 2256 -204L "Only the DBA can set the option '%1'" The option specified in the SET OPTION statement can only be set by a user with DBA authority.

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42W47 Error 2101 -615L "Parameter '%1' not found in procedure '%2'" You supplied a procedure parameter name that does not match a parameter for this procedure. Check the spelling of the parameter name.

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42W48 Error 2072 -687L "Syntax error, cannot specify IQ specific options without specifying IQ PATH" The database server cannot understand the statement you are trying to execute. If you used a keyword (such as DATE) for a column name, try enclosing the keyword in quotation marks ("DATE").

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42W49 Error 2330 -702L "TRUNCATE TABLE statement cannot be used on a view" You attempted to use TRUNCATE TABLE on a view, which is not permitted.

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42W50 Error 2336 -708L "READTEXT or WRITETEXT statement cannot refer to a view" A Transact-SQL READTEXT or WRITETEXT statement cannot refer to text columns in a view. Replace the view reference with the name of a base table.

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42W51 Error 2349 -720L "VALIDATE statement must refer to a base table" The VALIDATE statement must refer to a local base table; it cannot refer to a view, an IQ table, or an object on a remote server.

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42W52 Error 2351 -216L "The option '%1' can only be set as a temporary option" The option specified in the SET OPTION statement can only be set as a temporary option.

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42W53 Error 2352 -217L "The option '%1' cannot be set from within a procedure" The option specified in the SET OPTION statement cannot be set from within a procedure.

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42W54 Error 2382 -737L "Signature '%1' does not match procedure parameters" The number of types in the signature must match the number of procedure parameters. If a DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause was specified, the number of dynamic result sets must match the quantity found in the signature.

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42W55 Error 2396 -750L "User owns procedures in use" You attempted to drop a user that owns a procedure being used by other active users of the database.

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42W56 Error 2397 -751L "User owns tables in use" You attempted to REVOKE CONNECT from a user that owns a table being used by other active users of the database.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

42W57 Error 2457 -810L "External object '%1' not found" The Java class or external object with this name does not exist in the database.

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42W58 Error 2458 -811L "JAR '%1' not found" The JAR with this name does not exist in the database.

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42W59 Error 2459 -812L "The SELECT list for the derived table '%1' has no expression to match '%2'" The specified alias from the derived table's AS clause has no matching expression from the SELECT statement for that derived table. Ensure that each SELECT list item has a matching alias in the derived table's AS clause, and vice-versa.

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42W60 Error 2477 -830L "Alias '%1' is not unique" The same alias is used more than once in a SELECT list.

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42W61 Error 2478 -831L "Definition for alias '%1' must appear before its first reference" An expression contains a reference to an alias, but the alias is defined later in the SELECT list. The alias definition must appear before its first reference.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

42W62 Error 2480 -833L "Row in table '%1' was modified or deleted in BEFORE trigger" A BEFORE trigger has updated or deleted the row that caused the trigger to fire, preventing the original operation from completing. The trigger must be re-written so that it does not attempt to change the row via UPDATE or DELETE statements.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: