Messages 1507 through 1529

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLCODE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL Code Msg Type Number SQL State Message Possible Cause
-1507L Error 3175 42WE7 "The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because the ON conditions refer to tables which are not in the null-supplying and preserved sides of the OUTER JOINs." You attempted to change the refresh type to immediate for a materialized view whose definition contains an illegal ON condition.

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-1508L Error 3176 42WE8 "The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because at least one non-nullable column from any null-supplying side of an OUTER JOIN must exist in the SELECT list." You attempted to change the refresh type to immediate for a materialized view whose SELECT list doesn't contain at least one non-nullable column for any null-supplying side of an OUTER JOIN.

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-1509L Error 3177 42WE9 "The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because the primary key columns of any table in the preserved side of an OUTER JOIN must exist in the SELECT list." You attempted to change the refresh type to immediate for a materialized view whose SELECT list doesn't contain the primary key columns of any table in the preserved side of an OUTER JOIN.

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-1510L Error 3178 52W54 "Cannot specify range that excludes next value for sequence %1" You attempted to modify either the MINVAL or MAXVAL boundary of a sequence to a value that would make the next invocation of the nextval expression for the sequence invalid. If you want to change the range boundaries to these values, you must also specify a RESTART WITH clause and supply a value within the new range.

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-1511L Error 2596 WT033 "Text indexes are not allowed across server types." Text indexes are not allowed across server types if the query is processed in full-passthrough mode.

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-1512L Error 2561 WT034 "Text index with external prefilter cannot contain both binary and string columns" One or more, but not all, of the columns specified for the text index is of type binary, and the text configuration object has a prefilter library specified. Text indexes using a prefilter library can contain either binary columns or string data type columns, but not both.

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-1513L Error 2547 0A005 "Sysam License Manager initialization failed." Sysam License Manager initialization failed.

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-1514L Error 2546 0A006 "Failed to checkout an IQ core license." Sysam License Manager was unable to obtain a valid IQ_CORE license.

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-1515L Error 3179 2FW91 "Support for spatial is not available for this CPU." Spatial data support for 32-bit Windows and 32-bit Linux requires a CPU that supports the SSE2 instructions.

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-1516L Error 3180 2FF72 "The intermediate point (%3) of the ST_CircularString segment between %1 and %2 is collinear with but not between the start and end points." When the intermediate point of a ST_CircularString segment is collinear with the start and end point the result is interpreted as a straight line between the start and the end point. In this case, the intermediate point must be located on the line segment between the start and end point.

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-1517L Error 2545 WQ001 "Logical Server \"%1\" not found" The named logical server was not found in the database.

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-1518L Error 2543 WQ002 "Logical Server Policy \"%1\" does not allow coordinator membership in logical servers." Logical server policy does not allow coordinator as a member of logical server.

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-1519L Error 2541 WQ003 "Cannot perform the requested operation due to overlapping logical server memberships for login policy \"%1\"." Cannot perform the requested operation since this would result in an overlapping logical server membership for named login policy.

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-1520L Error 2539 WQ004 "Cannot recreate an already existing logical server membership." Multiplex server which is to be added as a member is already a member of logical server.

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-1521L Error 2537 WQ005 "Cannot drop a non-existing logical server membership." Multiplex server membership about to be dropped was not found.

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-1522L Error 2530 WT035 "Database needs to be upgraded to support the use of external libraries with text indexes." The current database does not have catalog support for prefilter and term breaker external libraries. To use this feature, upgrade your database to the most recent version.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1523L Error 2507 WQ006 "Cannot reassign logical server '%1' to login policy '%2'." Logical Server - Login Policy assignment already exists.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1524L Error 2508 WQ007 "Cannot drop a non-existing assignment between logical server '%1' and login policy '%2'." Logical Server - Login Policy assignment does not exist.

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-1526L Error 2010 WT036 "Text index %1 cannot be used with text procedure %2" The specified text procedure cannot be used with the text index. The text procedure charset has to correspond to the charset of the text index it is accessing.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

-1529L Error 3184 42U09 "Outer reference not permitted in DML derived table" Outer references are not permitted in derived tables based on INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statements. These derived tables may only appear in subqueries that are uncorrelated.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: