Messages 1404 through 1424

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLCODE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL Code Msg Type Number SQL State Message Possible Cause
-1404L Error 3074 2FF14 "Unknown unit of measure '%1'" The name does not match a defined unit of measure.

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-1405L Error 3075 2FF15 "Failed to transform geometry (error %1)" An error occurred when performing a transform from one spatial reference system to another. This error may occur if a point in the first geometry is outside of the bounds for the transform definition. The error may also be reported for particular transform definitions. The integer error code from the transform library may be used to diagnose the transform definition.

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-1406L Error 3076 2FF22 "Error parsing well-known-text (WKT) scanning '%1' at offset %2" An error was detected while parsing the well-known text of a geometry.

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-1407L Error 3077 2FF23 "Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB) at offset %1" An error was detected while parsing the well-known binary of a geometry.

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-1408L Error 3078 2FF25 "Mixed coordinate dimensions" The method contains geometries that have a mixture of coordinate dimensions (Z and M values).

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-1409L Error 3079 2FF59 "Unknown spatial reference system (%1)" The provided SRID does not match a defined spatial reference system.

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-1410L Error 3080 2FF71 "An ST_CircularString cannot be constructed from %1 points (near '%2')" A circularstring geometry should consist of three points followed optionally by an arbitrary number of pairs of points.

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-1411L Error 3081 2FF16 "Cannot convert from %1 to %2 (near %3)." The value could not be converted to the specified target type.

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-1412L Error 3082 2FW02 "Support for spatial is not available for this database" Operations involving spatial support cannot be used with this database because it needs to be upgraded to use spatial features.

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-1413L Error 3083 2FW03 "Spatial feature %1 is not supported" The specified feature is not supported.

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-1414L Error 3084 2FW05 "Error parsing well-known-text (WKT): inconsistent dimensions at offset %1" There was a mixture of coordinate dimensions detected at the specified offset. For example, one geometry in a collection might have a Z value while another doesn't.

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-1415L Error 3085 2FW06 "Error parsing geometry internal serialization at offset %1" There was an error parsing the internal serialization string.

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-1417L Error 3087 2FW08 "Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): type code %1 at offset %2 is invalid" The well-known binary string contains a type code that is not supported.

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-1418L Error 3088 2FW09 "Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): type code %1 at offset %2 is not a valid subtype of the parent" The well-known binary string contains a child geometry within a parent geometry and the child is not one of the types allowed by the parent.

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-1419L Error 3089 2FW10 "Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): unexpected end of input" A well-known binary string was shorter than expected.

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-1420L Error 3090 2FW11 "Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): inconsistent dimensions at offset %1" The well-known binary string contains geometries with different numbers of coordinate dimensions. For example, it could contain a point with a Z value and another without a Z value.

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-1421L Error 3091 2FW12 "Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): invalid byte order mark %1 at offset %2" The well-known binary string has an invalid byte order mark. This could happen if a binary string that is not in the well-known binary format is used.

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-1422L Error 3092 2FW13 "Error parsing shapefile record" The shapefile contains an invalid record.

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-1423L Error 3093 2FW14 "Error parsing shapefile attributes" The shapefile contains invalid attributes.

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-1424L Error 3094 2FW15 "Invalid shapefile filename" The specified shapefile filename is not valid.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: