Messages 1013095 through 1013108

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLCODE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL Code Msg Type Number SQL State Message Possible Cause
-1013095L Error 20987 QCA95 "CREATE JOIN does not support joining joins. %1" This message is returned during CREATE JOIN INDEX when the left hand side and right hand side of a 'FULL OUTER JOIN' keyword set are both joins ie (A FOJ B) FOJ (C FOJ D) the join of a-b is being joined to c-d.

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-1013096L Error 20988 QCA96 "Index %2 could not be created. The datatype does not support an index of %3. %1" You cannot create an index of the type specified for the column's datatype.

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-1013097L Error 21018 QCA97 "Join Index %2 not unique. %1" You have attempted to create a join index with a name of an existing join index

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-1013098L Error 21004 QCA98 " The foreign key %2 participates in join %3 and can not be ALTERed. %1" This message is returned during ALTER when a foreign key that is about to be altered, participates in the join of two tables.

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-1013099L Error 21019 QCA99 "Join Indexes do not support the multipart foreign key found in table %2. %1" You have attempted to create a joined index with a multipart foreign key.

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-1013100L Error 21020 QCB00 "The ON keyword cannot be used in a NATURAL join. %1" The ON keyword cannot be used in a NATURAL join.

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-1013101L Error 21021 QCB01 "You do not have permission to drop this join index. %1" You do not have permission to drop this join index.

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-1013102L Error 21022 QCB02 "User name '%2' does not exist. %1" The specified user does not exist.

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1013103L Warning 21026 QCB03 "JI MATCH E=%1;S=%2;TID=%3;NRows=%4;JID=%5;NTab=%6;Miss=%7;Data=%8" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays the scoring given to each table/join index matched.

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-1013103L Error 22001 QCC00 "%2 not implemented %1" This feature has not been implemented

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1013104L Warning 21027 QCB04 "JI NOMATCH - Entry=%1, Table=%2, Join=%3" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join has not been selected.

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-1013104L Error 22012 QDD13 "This operation is not allowed on the dbspace IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP. %1" Illegal op for iq_system_temp

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1013105L Warning 21028 QCB05 "JI MATCH COMPARING - E=%1, MP=%2, JID=%3, Name=%4" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join is being compared to the others.

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-1013105L Error 22013 QDD14 "Use ALTER DBSPACE ALTER FILE for this operation. %1" Must use alter dbspace alter file

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-1013106L Error 22004 QDC59 "logical file %2 not part of dbspace %3. %1" this logical filename is not part of this dbspace

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1013106L Warning 21029 QCB06 "JI MATCH SELECTED - MP=%1, JID=%2, Name=%3" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join has been selected.

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1013107L Warning 21030 QCB07 "JI MATCH EXACT - This join exactly matches the requested tree" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this join completely replaces the requested tree.

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-1013107L Error 22008 QDD09 "MPX: server %2 is not part of the Multiplex configuration. %1" This is a multiplex and this server is not part of it.

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1013108L Warning 21031 QCB08 "JI MATCH - Building Match List for Table ID=%1, Name=%2" During a SELECT the Join Indexs are searched for a good match to increase the speed of the query. This message relays that this table will be queried for joins that it participates.

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-1013108L Error 22009 QDD10 "MPX: startup failure message: server '%2' was started on an incorrect host '%3': this server was created with this connection string '%4'. %1" This server cannot be started on this host

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Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: