Messages 2650 through 2692

Messages on this page are sorted by error number. Locate the appropriate error code in the table below.

Error Code Type Message Possible Cause
2650 Error Invalid field for SET DESCRIPTOR An invalid or unknown keyword is present in a SET DESCRIPTOR statement. The keywords can only be TYPE, PRECISION, SCALE, LENGTH, INDICATOR, or DATA.
2651 Error Field used more than once in SET DESCRIPTOR statement The same keyword has been used more than once inside a single SET DESCRIPTOR statement.
2652 Error Data value must be a host variable The variable used in the SET DESCRIPTOR statement hasn't been declared as a host variable.
2660 Warning Into clause not allowed on declare cursor - ignored You have specified an INTO clause on a SELECT statement in a DECLARE CURSOR. Note that the INTO clause will be ignored.
2661 Warning Unrecognized SQL syntax You have used a SQL statement that will probably cause a syntax error when the statement is sent to the database server.
2662 Warning Unknown SQL function '%1' You have used a SQL function that is unknown to the preprocessor and will probably cause an error when the statement is sent to the database engine.
2663 Warning Wrong number of arguments to SQL function '%1' You have used a SQL function with the wrong number of parameters. This will likely cause an error when the statement is sent to the database server.
2664 Warning Static statement names will not work properly if used by 2 threads You have used a static statement name and preprocessed with the -r reentrancy switch. Static statement names cause static variables to be generated that are filled in by the database. If two threads use the same statement, contention arises over this var
2665 Warning Host variable '%1' has been redefined You have redefined the same host variable with a different host type. As far as the preprocessor is concerned, host variables are global; two host variables with different types cannot have the same name.
2666 Flag (warning or error) Disallowed language extension detected in syntax You have used a feature that is not defined by SQL/92 and preprocessed with the -ee, -ei, -ef, -we, -wi or -wf flagging switch.
2667 Flag (warning or error) Language extension detected in syntax You have used a SQL Anywhere feature that is not supported by the current flagging level (set using the -w option).
2668 Flag (warning or error) Full SQL feature You have used a full-SQL/92 feature and preprocessed with the -ee, -ei, -we or -wi flagging switch.
2669 Flag (warning or error) Transact SQL extension You have used a Sybase Transact SQL feature that is not defined by SQL/92 and preprocessed with the -ee, -ei, -ef, -we, -wi or -wf flagging switch.
2680 Error No DECLARE SECTION and no INCLUDE SQLCA statement The EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA statement is missing from the source file.
2681 Error Unable to open temporary file An error occurred while attempting to open a temporary file.
2682 Error Error reading temporary file An error occurred while reading from a temporary file.
2683 Error Error writing output file An error occurred while writing to the output file.
2690 Error Inconsistent number of host variables for this cursor You have used a different number of host variables than the number previously used with the cursor. The number of host variables must be consistent for the cursor.
2691 Error Inconsistent host variable types for this cursor You have used a host variable with a different type or length than the type or length previously used with the cursor. Host variable types must be consistent for the cursor.
2692 Error Inconsistent indicator variables for this cursor You have used an indicator variable when one was not previously used with the cursor, or you have not used an indicator variable when one was previously used with the cursor. Indicator variable usage must be consistent for the cursor.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: