Messages 2622 through 2649

Messages on this page are sorted by error number. Locate the appropriate error code in the table below.

Error Code Type Message Possible Cause
2622 Error Invalid type for indicator variable '%1' Indicator variables must be of type short int. You have used a variable of a different type as an indicator variable.
2623 Error Invalid host variable type on '%1' You have used a host variable that is not a string type in a place where the preprocessor was expecting a host variable of a string type.
2625 Error Host variable '%1' has two different definitions The same host variable name was defined with two different types within the same module. Note that host variable names are global to a C module.
2626 Error Statement '%1' not previously prepared An Embedded SQL statement name has been used (EXECUTE) without first being prepared.
2627 Error Cursor '%1' not previously declared An Embedded SQL cursor name has been used (in a FETCH, OPEN, CLOSE, etc.) without first being declared.
2628 Error Unknown statement '%1' You attempted to drop an embedded SQL statement that doesn't exist.
2629 Error Host variables not allowed for this cursor Host variables are not allowed on the declare statement for the specified cursor. If the cursor name is provided through a host variable, then you should use full dynamic SQL and prepare the statement. A prepared statement may have host variables in it.
2630 Error Host variables specified twice - on declare and open You have specified host variables for a cursor on both the declare and the open statements. In the static case, you should specify the host variables on the declare statement. In the dynamic case, specify them on the open.
2631 Error Must specify a host list or using clause on %1 The specified statement requires host variables to be specified either in a host variable list or from an SQLDA.
2633 Error No INTO clause on SELECT statement You specified an embedded static SELECT statement, but you did not specify an INTO clause for the results.
2636 Error Incorrect Embedded SQL syntax An Embedded SQL specific statement (OPEN, DECLARE, FETCH, etc.) has a syntax error.
2637 Error Missing ending quote of string You have specified a string constant in an Embedded SQL statement, but there is no ending quote before the end of line or end of file.
2639 Error Token too long The SQL preprocessor has a maximum token length of 2K. Any token longer than 2K will produce this error. For constant strings in Embedded SQL commands (the main place this error shows up) use string concatenation to make a longer string.
2640 Error '%1' host variable must be an integer type You have used a host variable that is not of integer type in a statement where only an integer type host variable is allowed.
2641 Error Must specify an SQLDA on a DESCRIBE No additional information available.
2642 Error Two SQLDAs specified of the same type (INTO or USING) You have specified two INTO DESCRIPTOR or two USING DESCRIPTOR clauses for this statement.
2646 Error Cannot describe static cursors You have described a static cursor. When describing a cursor, the cursor name must be specified in a host variable
2647 Error Macros cannot be redefined A preprocessor macro has been defined twice, possibly in a header file.
2648 Error Invalid array dimension The array dimension of the variable is negative
2649 Error Invalid descriptor index You have allocated less than one variable with the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement.

Created November 10, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: