Messages QSB35 through QSB54

Messages on this page are sorted by SQLSTATE. Locate the appropriate code in the table below, and click the link for a full description of the message.

SQL State Msg Type Number SQL Code Message Possible Cause
QSB35 Warning 21033 1013110L "IQ had insufficient memory to create the buffer cache with the size specified with the Main_Cache_Memory_MB or Temp_Cache_Memory_MB options. Instead, the cache will be created using the default size." If we catch an OUTOFMEMORY exception when creating the MAIN or the TEMP buffer cache, we report this warning of our failure and retry to create the cache with the default settings (and NOT the settings in the hos_paramset). This will allow the DBA to re-open a database even if the Main_Cache_Memory_MB or Temp_Cache_Memory_MB options are set so high as to otherwise prevent the re-opening of the database. (QTS 183253.)

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QSB36 Error 21034 -1009135L "Cannot perform requested command as there is a CREATE DBSPACE command in progress. %1" A CREATE DBSPACE or a DROP DBSPACE command was issued when there was already a DROP DBSPACE command in progress.

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QSB37 Error 21035 -1009136L "Cannot perform requested command as there is a DROP DBSPACE command in progress. %1" A CREATE DBSPACE or a DROP DBSPACE command was issued when there was already an ALTER DBSPACE command in progress.

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QSB38 Error 21038 -1009139L "Cannot perform requested command as there is a CHECKPOINT command in progress. %1" A CREATE DBSPACE or a DROP DBSPACE command was issued when there was already a CHECKPOINT command in progress.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB39 Warning 21067 1009142L " %1 SortMerge0: %2 records, PhaseI=%3 Secs, %4 runs total, %5 pgs=%6 M, runlen=%7, %8 est. phases" This information is provided after the Phase I radix sorting is complete and the Phase II merge-sorting is about to begin. Each run consists of a sequence of pages that have been radix sorted in Phase I. These runs are merged together in Phase II to finish the sort.

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QSB40 Warning 21068 1009143L " %1 SortMergePass: Merged %2 runs, %3 Secs, %4 runs remaining, %5 reads = %6 M, runlen=%7, phase %8, %9 M on disk" This information is provided after each merge pass. One merge pass merges a certain number of runs, using one pinned buffer page per run plus one pinned buffer for the output run. Note that there can be several passes in a merge phase. One merge phase reads all the sort data and produces a new set of runs that provide input to the next phase.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB41 Warning 21069 1009144L " %1 SortMergeDone: Ave mem %2 M, %3 Secs, %4 passes, %5 reads, %6 M data= %7 pgs, %8 phases, %9 M on disk" This information is provided at the end of Phase II to summarize the resource usage of the whole merge sort. The last pass of the sort is separately reported on by an EMSG_SORT_INFOMERGED1 message.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB42 Error 21071 -1009146L "Cannot perform requested command as there is a DBCC command in progress. %1" A CHECKPOINT command was issued when there was already a DBCC command in progress.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB43 Warning 20188 1009147L "Space has become available in the %1 store of database %2. Sybase IQ (TM) is no longer waiting for more dbspace." No additional information available.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB44 Error 21049 -1009148L "Cannot use -iqfrec to start a multiplex secondary server. %1" A sp_iqcheckdb procedure call was issued on an IQ multiplex secondary server, or it was started in drop-leaks or forced recovery mode. These operations are only allowed on the coordinator

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB45 Error 20189 -1009149L "%2 Internal Inconsistency: %1 (%3,%4,%5)" A corrupt index container was found. DBCC cannot repair the container. The database object using the container must be re-created.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB46 Error 20190 -1009150L "Cannot delete/truncate CK %2 because of RI violation - FK has non-nulls. %1" No additional information available. Cannot truncate or delete all from candidate table if there exists any associated foreign key which has any all non-null data.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB47 Error 20191 -1009151L "Cannot %2 CK %3 row %4 because of RI violation. %1" No additional information available. Cannot delete/update CK if there exists same value in associated FK. any associated foreign key which has any all non-null data.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB48 Error 20192 -1009152L "Cannot %2 FK %3 row %4 because of RI violation. %1" No additional information available. Cannot insert/update FK if there does not exist same value in associated CK any associated foreign key which has any all non-null data.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB49 Error 20193 -1009153L "Cannot remove row %3 from CK %2 during LOAD cleanup because of RI violation. %1" No additional information available. If removing self-referential CK during LOAD cleanup phase and there exists a FK of removed value, we roll back the whole operation.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB50 Error 21118 -1009154L "Cannot alter dbspace when a backup is in progress" An alter dbspace operation was attempted while a backup was running. The alter dbspace operation cannot proceed since it may modify internal database structures that are being backed up.

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QSB51 Error 20194 -1009156L "Drop disallowed for dbspace %2. One or more of the file(s) are in use by the database. %1" A segment must contain no user data and no database structures to drop

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB52 Error 20195 -1009157L "There is insufficient reserve space to add %3 blocks to segment %2. Only %4 blocks or less may be added. %1" Since a segment must use a contiguous range of block numbers, it can only be resized larger when the blocks following it are not in use by the next segment.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB53 Error 20196 -1009158L "Cannot resize segment %2 since the truncated region is in use. %1" A segment can only be resized smaller when no blocks in the truncated are in use.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

QSB54 Error 20197 -1009159L "The status specified for segment %2 is unchanged. %1" The "alter dbspace status" syntax requires the new status to be different than the original status.

Click here for a list of possible parameters and odbc states.

Created April 27, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: