Specifies a global value to enable or disable profiling of home, remote, and local interface method invocations. A value of true causes generation of additional method profiling code. However, to collect and view profiling statistics, the server’s Disable Statistics property (disableStatistics) must be set to false.
To override this setting for individual components, create a <setProperties> command in your user configuration that runs the <profilePublicMethods> subcommand. For example:
<target name="configure-user"> <setProperties component="ejb.components.myjar.MyCompRemote"> <profilePublicMethods enable="true"/> </setProperties> </target>
Profiling data is included in the server statistics output. There are several ways to view this data, including spreadsheet software, the Management Console, and as text files output periodically by the server. For more information, see “Viewing server statistics” in Chapter 11, “Runtime Monitoring,” in the System Administration Guide.
If you change this setting for the EJB module, recompile the module and restart the server for the change to take affect. If you change the server Disable Statistics setting, restart the server for the change to take affect.