Specifies the name of the transaction batch set in the transaction properties of components in the module. A value of “none” or “default” indicates no transaction batching will be performed. Transaction batching allows container-managed transactions from independent threads to be grouped into a single transaction.This can help to increase throughput, especially when using container-managed persistence and EAServer’s query-caching features with a JIT data source driver wrapper. Transaction batches must be defined with a separate <setProperties> command, for example:
<target name="configure-user"> <setProperties transactionBatch="MyTransactionBatch"> <property name="maximumBatchSize" value="5"/> <property name="maximumBatchWait" value="20"/> </setProperties> </target>
To override the global transaction batch setting for individual components, create a <setProperties> command in your user configuration that runs the <transaction> subcommand and sets the batch attribute in addition to other attributes copied from the component’s <setProperties> command in the default configuration. For example:
<target name="configure-user"> <setProperties component="ejb.components.example.MyCompRemote"> <transaction type="Required" batch="myTxBatch"/> </setProperties> </target>
The <transaction> type attribute
specifies the transaction attribute from the EJB deployment descriptor.
Copy the value from the default configuration so as not to change
the transactional behavior of the application.
To override the transaction settings for individual methods, include the method signature as the method attribute value. For example:
<target name="configure-user"> <setProperties component="ejb.components.example.MyCompRemote"> <transaction method="buy(int, java.lang.String)" type="Required" batch="myTxBatch"/> <transaction method="sell(int, java.lang.String)" type="Required" batch="myTxBatch"/> </setProperties> </target>