We use the Management Console to deploy the EJB-JAR file. You could also use the deploy command-line tool, or jagant, or jagtool.
If you haven’t already, start EAServer and connect to the preconfigured server with the Management Console as described in Chapter 1, “Getting Started,”in the System Administration Guide.
In the Management Console, right-click the EJB Modules folder in the left pane and choose Deploy. The Deploy wizard pages appear in the right pane. Fill in the Wizard settings as follows:
File Name – Enter the full path to the ejbtut.jar file, or browse to select the file.
Module Name – Accept the
default of ejbtut
Server Name – Accept the default, which should be the name of the server that you are connected to. Verify that the check box is selected to install the module into this server.
Optional location to store archive – Leave this blank.
Click Finish on the final wizard page. The Management Console deploys the EJB-JAR and shows the deployment status in the right pane. When your browser finishes downloading the status page, scroll to the bottom. You see Build Successful if everything went ok.