Primary companion resource group

  1. Register the SY.ase resource type.

    scrgadm -a -t SY.ase -f full-path-of-SY.ase-file

    For example:

    scrgadm -a -t SY.ase 
    -f /sybase/ASE-15_0/SC-3_0/etc/SY.ase

    NoteInstall the SY.ase resource type only once per cluster. An error message displays if the resource type is already installed.

  2. Create a resource group for the primary companion server. Specify the primary and secondary nodes for the resource group property Nodelist.

    scrgadm -a -g resource_group
    -y Nodelist=primary-node,secondary-node

    For example:

    scrgadm -a -g rg_MONEY1 -y Nodelist=node1,node2
  3. Register the SUNW.HAStorage resource type.

    scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStorage
  4. Create and add the SUNW.HAStorage resource to the Adaptive Server resource group. Specify the file system and device paths on the shared disk that must be relocated to the secondary node in case of fail over:

    scrgadm -a -j hastorage_resource_name
    -t SUNW.HAStorage
    -g resource_group
    -x ServicePaths=shared-disk-storage-path

    For example:

    scrgadm -a -j has_MONEY1 -g rg_MONEY1 
    -t SUNW.HAStorage 
    -x ServicePaths=/global/node1_share
  5. Create and add the SUNW.LogicalHostname resource to the Adaptive Server resource group. Specify a logical host name or floating IP address that can be relocated to the secondary node in case of fail over.

    scrgadm -a -L -j loghost_resource 
    -g resource_group 
    -l logical_hostname

    For example:

    scrgadm -a -L -j lh_MONEY1 
    -g rg_MONEY1 
    -l loghost_node1
  6. The following command creates the Adaptive Server resource and adds it to the resource group:

    scrgadm -a -j ase_resource_name -g resource_group \
    		-t SY.ase \
    		-x Sybase_home=sybase_home_value \
    		-x Environment_file=environment_file_path \
    		-x Dataserver_name=dataserver_name_value \
    		-x Dataserver_login_file=login_file_path \
    		-x RUN_server_file=run_server_file_path

    For example:

    scrgadm -a -j ase_MONEY1 -g rg_MONEY1 \
        -t SY.ase \
        -x Sybase_home=/sybase \
        -x Environment_file=/sybase/ \
        -x Dataserver_name=MONEY1 \
        -x Dataserver_login_file=/sybase/ASE-15_0/SC-3_0/etc/ase_login_file 
        -x RUN_server_file=/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/RUN_MONEY1

    Specify any standard resource property values and extension property values.

    You must specify the following three extension property values; otherwise, the command fails: Sybase_home, Dataserver_name, and Dataserver_login_file. You may let other extension properties use default values.

    You may configure the following standard resource properties, which are used by the high availability agent fault monitor: Cheap_probe_interval, Thorough_probe_interval, Retry_count, and Retry_interval.

    For more information about the standard resource properties, see the Sun Cluster documentation. Table 9-1 describes the extension properties for the Adaptive Server resource.

  7. Establish resource dependency between the SY.ase resource and the SUNW.HAStorage resource. This means the SY.ase resource is online only if the SUNW.HAStorage resource is online, and the SY.ase resource is offline before the SUNW.HAStorage resource is offline:

    scrgadm -c -j ase_resource_name 
    -y Resource_dependencies=hastorage_resource_name

    For example:

    scrgadm -c -j ase_MONEY1 
    -y Resource_dependencies=has_MONEY1

    NoteAll resources in a resource group implicitly depend on the SUNW.LogocalHostname resource if one is added to the resource group.

  8. For the primary Adaptive Server resource group, execute scswitch to:

NoteSee “Using SUNW.HAStoragePlus” to create and add the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource to the Adaptive Server resource group.