Some configuration parameters must be set if your log files are being managed by ASM.
These configuration parameters are:
asm_tns_filename – The fully-qualified file name identifying the Oracle tnsnames.ora file that contains the Oracle ASM connection parameters. This configuration parameter is required only when the connection parameter information required for ASM does not exist in the tnsnames.ora file pointed to by the pds_tns_filename configuration parameter.
asm_tns_connection – The Oracle connection name that identifies the connection parameters for the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) connection in the Oracle tnsnames.ora file. If configuration parameter asm_tns_filename is not configured, the tnsnames.ora file identified by pds_tns_filename is used.
asm_username – The login name that Replication Agent uses to access the Oracle ASM server. The ASM user ID for asm_username must have sysdba permission. For Oracle 10g or 11g, set asm_username as follows:
asm_username="sys as sysdba"
Alternately, for Oracle 11g, you can set asm_username as follows:
asm_username="sys as sysasm"
asm_password – The password associated with the configuration parameter asm_username user to access the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) server instance.
For example:
asm_tns_filename=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/network/admin/tnsnames.ora asm_tns_connection=+ASM1 asm_username=sys as sysasm asm_password=Sybase123
See the Replication Agent Reference Manual.