Replication Agent 15.5 is installed on a different Windows host than the earlier version, and the current version of Microsoft SQL Server is 7 or 2000

StepsUpgrading when Replication Agent 15.5 is on a different host than a earlier version, and the current version of Microsoft SQL Server is 7 or 2000

  1. For each existing Replication Agent for Microsoft SQL Server instance, Sybase recommends that you back up the complete existing Replication Agent instance directory.

  2. Make the installation directory of the earlier version of Replication Agent available as the source directory for the upgrade procedure:

    1. On the Windows host on which the earlier version of Replication Agent is running, share the drive on which the Replication Agent is installed.

    2. On the Windows host on which Replication Agent 15.5 is installed, map a network drive to the host and drive in the previous step. On this mapped network drive, use the installation directory of the earlier version of Replication Agent as the source directory for the upgrade.

  3. Starting with step 3 in the procedure called “Replication Agent 15.5 is installed on the same Windows host as the earlier version of Replication Agent, and the current version of Microsoft SQL Server is 7 or 2000”, follow the steps to complete the upgrade.