The ra_dumptran and ra_helpop commands return information for use in troubleshooting a specified Oracle database transaction or database operation, respectively.
The ra_dumptran and ra_helpop commands use information gathered by Oracle LogMiner to help you troubleshoot Replication Agent for Oracle. Oracle LogMiner consists of Oracle procedures and views that allow you to obtain detailed information about database activities from the Oracle redo logs. To use ra_dumptran and ra_helpop, you must install Oracle LogMiner, or these commands will return errors.
Setting up Replication Agent and Oracle to use ra_dumptran and ra_helpop
Go to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin.
Log in as a “sys as sysdba” user.
Execute the Oracle LogMiner installation script:
After LogMiner is installed, create a public synonym so that you do not have to log in as the owner to execute LogMiner functions:
This step is required if you are using Oracle 10g.
Grant the following privileges to pds_username:
select on V_$LOGMNR_LOGS
select any transaction
These privileges are not required for replication, only
for using the ra_dumptran and ra_helpop commands.
The ra_migrate command will verify that
these privileges have been granted to pds_username.
If these privileges have not been granted at the time ra_migrate is
invoked, a warning message is returned and logged in the Replication
Agent log file.
Use ra_dumptran and ra_helpop according to instructions provided in the Replication Agent Reference Manual.