Naming dbspaces

You can rename a user dbspace and dbfile names, but you cannot rename or drop catalog dbspace SYSTEM, IQ main dbspace IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN, IQ temporary dbspace IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP, and IQ message dbspace IQ_SYSTEM_MSG.

You can rename the dbfile names in IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN and IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP, and you can change the dbfile name of IQ_SYSTEM_MSG files, but you cannot change the dbfile names in SYSTEM. You cannot use ALTER DBSPACE RENAME TO in order to rename dbspaces IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN or IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP, IQ_SYSTEM_MSG, or SYSTEM.

The dbspace of a table is implicitly or explicitly specified. For base tables, the value of the DEFAULT_DBSPACE option implicitly determines the dbspace location, or the location may be specified explicitly using the CREATE TABLE IN dbspace_name clause. Base tables are typically created in a dbspace in the IQ main store, but may also be created without IQ indexes in a dbspace in the catalog store.

For global temporary tables, specify the IN SYSTEM clause to explicitly create a SA global temporary table. IQ temporary tables are created in IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP by default.

The dbspace of indexes and table subobjects is always specified, either implicitly based on the table dbspace or explicitly with an IN clause. Indexes and partitions are implicitly created in the table dbspace. The partitioned subsets of columns of a partitioned table are implicitly created in the dbspace of the corresponding partitions.

All indexes and table subobjects must be in the same store as the table. For example, an index on a base table in the IQ main store must also be in the IQ main store.