You can run the getiqinfo script to collect much of this information.
Information requested |
Value |
Sybase IQ version (for example 15.4 GA or ESD number) |
sp_iqlmconfig output |
Type of hardware |
Amount of memory |
Number of CPUs |
Operating system name and version (for example, Microsoft Windows 2008 Service Pack 1) |
Operating system patch level |
Front end tool used (for example, Business Objects Crystal Reports) |
Connectivity protocol used (for example, ODBC, JDBC, TDS) |
Open Client version |
Configuration type (single node or multiplex) |
Message log file (dbname.iqmsg) |
Server log files (server.nnnn.srvlog and server.nnnn.stderr) |
Stack trace file ( |
Command or query that produced the error |
Start-up option settings |
Connect option settings |
Database option settings |
Schema and indexes for the database |
sp_iqstatus output |
Query plan: set options (Query_Plan, Query_Detail, Query_Plan_After_Run, Query_Plan_As_Html, Query_Plan_As_Html_Directory, Query_Timing), rerun command or query |
Screen snapshot of the problem, if possible |